I’m getting requests for reviews by newcomer authors lately, and it flatters me. I won’t deny that. I also get a lot of spam request from inexpensive promotion agencies. Those hacks take money from aspiring authors with promises of marketing their book to the world. And then do nothing but contact whatever blog they have on their without any consideration. I’m just saying, maybe get a better deal, new authors. Then there are review request by people I refer to as “authors”, who clearly lack any talent, self-reflection or interpersonal skill. “Authors” that firmly believe their message is so important that it justifies ignoring polite manners and other people’s beliefs or preferences. I’d like to share an example, remeber – this woman claims to be a writer: “HELLO IM A MICHIGAN CHIRSTAIN WRITER HERE INDRODUC ING MYSELF AND WORK MY BOOK IS THE LEGACY OF CHIRST . IT IS A GENERAL REFERANCE BOOK THAT BEGINS WITH AN OVER VIEW OF CHIRST LIFE BUT GETS INTO THE CONTENT OF HIS LEGACY . I WAS WONDERING IF YOU BE INTERRETED IN REVIEWING” I counted twelve grammar and spelling errors so far, the composition is bad and for some reason she thought it…